A New World of Music for Preschoolers

Three-, four-, and five-year-olds are full of ideas, and making music with them is a ton of fun. A Music Together® class is the perfect place for them to imagine, improvise, express their creativity, and relate to others through music. Regular exposure to a musically rich environment with developmentally appropriate experiences fosters your child’s music skills as well as their growth and development in many other areas essential to success in school and life. You can give your preschooler all this with Music Together, either by participating in our Mixed-age Classes or through our Music Together In School ® curriculum when it is adopted by your local school or childcare center.

MTPic58-webLearn and Grow with Music

When you bring music into your preschooler’s life with Music Together, they enter a musically rich environment that welcomes their participation, however they choose to engage with it. With songs in a range of musical styles from lyrical to blues and world music to folk, Music Together stimulates and supports your three-, four-, or five-year-old’s growing musical creativity, enthusiasm, and skills.

When your child is young, music has tremendous power to enhance, not only their love of music and the joy it brings, but also their overall development. Just as music integrates mind, body, and emotions, music learning supports all learning® (PDF) and, in whatever class-type you choose, the Music Together curriculum will support your child in:

  • Music Learning and Development
  • Language Development and Emergent Literacy
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Cognition and General Knowledge
  • Physical and Motor Development
  • Approaches to Learning

We offer Music Together in mixed-age classes, which you and your preschooler can attend together, or in-school settings, where your child can experience the benefits of having a strong music component at the core of their educational curriculum.
